
Katie and Greg Amundson's Wedding

What a great couple Katie and Greg make! This wedding was especially fun as Katie is the cousin of one of my favorite brides from last year, Meghann Whiting. The wedding ceremony started with lots of chuckles as Katie and Greg's son didn't quite get the rings all the way up the aisle. His sister however made a graceful entrance and looked truly like a princess as she made her way up to Katie and Greg. Katie was a gorgeous bride! Greg and Katie were great to photograph as they are not only very much in love, but also were letting the stress of planning a wedding go and truly enjoying their day with the family and friends who came to share it with them. You could tell by their wedding details that they had everyone in mind, even including a moonwalk tent for the kids! Thanks Katie an Greg!

Peter and Meghann Whiting with Greg and Katie!


Jumping monkeys!

Katie and Greg made a grand entrance in this beauty!

A fabulous first dance together!