
Almost done with the web site!!!

I am very excited to announce the web site for Black Bird Photography is done and will be up by next week!! The site wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the amazing graphic design and web artist Ben Luoma!! To think I thought I could design a web site myself. Sometimes its best sticking to what you know and letting the experts help you out. So I will be sticking to photography. Also, thanks to my husband Shane and my son for thier support!

I eat, breathe and live photography....and have for the past 10 years. I am very passionate about taking peoples portraits whether it is in a more traditional posed photograph or a photojournalistic lifestyle session. It is their story that reflects the relationships we all enjoy. Through a family, a child, a high school senior or a couple getting married we see ourselves and the world in which we live.

The first photograph I am posting is the engagement photography session of Amy and Jay on a beach right outside Amy's hometown of Washburn, Wisconsin. This was taken last fall and their wedding is this month on June 28th in beautiful Bayfield, Wisconsin. This will be a fabulous wedding and we are going to have so much fun getting incredible photographs of them!! Congratulations Amy and Joe!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are a busy girl!! I really enjoy your artistic flair in your photographs. Becky